Poem of Grieving Loss of a Loved One

poem of grieving loss of a loved one
where would you go
that i cannot follow?
for how long must i wait
until we meet again?
what would i do
in times that i miss you?
where would i go
in times when i long to see you again?

how must i spendgrieving poems
the nights without you?
how do i bear
each morning that you’re not there?
shall i ever smile again?
will i ever laugh again?
will i ever face the world again
knowing that im not alone?


death poemswhy must you leave me?
why must i cry these tears
when you’re not here
to wipe them all away?
why must i suffer
the empty days without my beloved?
why must i dream
without you by my side?
the days shall never be the same again
i will never be the same again
without you
the life of my soul,bereavement poems
the joy of my heart,
the light in my eyes,
the hope of my dreams,
the comfort of my lonely nights,
without you my beloved,
i grieve and cry,
i grope and stumble in the dark,
i weep with all my soul
i desire with all my heart
i let go of all of me that you took away with you
i keep all of you that is in me,
and will always remain in me
wherever i may go

i wait and pray and hope
i will look forward to each brand new day
thankful for all that i’ve had and will always have
thankful for the sun that shines again
believing and hanging on
believing that life will go on
it can’t help but go on
it shall go on
and in so going
there really is no end
only mornings and evenings
and life that never ever ends.


poems of grieving loss of a loved one“The Unbreakable Thread”

I cannot understand
how two people
who used to be so close,
whose souls were knit
so tightly together
could suddenly
be parted
and stripped away forever
from each other’s arms
mere whispers
used to draw our hearts together,
but now even my loudest cries
fail to bring you back to me
how can it be?poem of death and parting
how can you suddenly
be so far away from me?
must I accept your passing
as a fitting end to what we’ve had?
should I accept that from this moment
there will always be a chasm between us
one that I can never cross
to see you
and to be with you again
not even for a single happy while

have you really gone away
have you really left me
all alone

poem when grieving the death of a loved onecan’t you hear me now as I speak
can’t you see me now as I search the skies
for traces of your smile
O how I wish you could see me now
And how I desire that all this time
that I’ve been praying,
you’re really sitting there, listening
gazing at me
loving me
as you’ve always done before
How I pray
you have not really gone,
that you haven’t left my side at all,
not even for a short lonely while
That all the while I have been weeping

you’re holding out your hand
catching my every tear
that all the while I have been praying
you’re praying with me, too
and with all the angels
in whose company
you now walk amongst
Who knows indeed?
who knows?
maybe you haven’t really left
maybe the love we’ve had
has woven a golden thread
between you and me
a thread that shall remain
as surely as love remains
a thread that shall draw us together
and we’ll never ever need
to say goodbye


I will smile again

I will smile again poem 2012I will smile again

Though tears flow from these eyes


And trust tomorrow the sun shall rise

Though darkness may enfold me

Though heavy rain can’t help but pour

Though shattered, lost and broken

Though heart could barely bear it all

Though tired and weary and confused

Though badly hurt and bruised

I know that I will smile again

And I will smile again!


When you’re hurt, know that darkness is passing. You WILL SMILE AGAIN!

In Your Hour of Grief


“The Unbreakable Thread” is indeed a poem of parting, of saying goodbyes, yet it is also a poem of hope, and of keeping what is worth keeping, of being comforted in spite of our sorrows.  It is a poem of healing, a poem of letting go of our bitterness while holding on to what sweetness is left in our souls by those whom God has blessed us to spend our most precious time with in this lifetime.

Unbreakable Thread (A Poem About Death and Parting)

unbreakable thread 2012

I cannot understand
how two people
who used to be so close,
whose souls were knit
so tightly together
could suddenly
be parted
and stripped away forever
from each other’s arms
mere whispers
used to draw our hearts together,
but now even my loudest cries
fail to bring you back to me
how can it be?
how can you suddenly
be so far away from me?
must I accept your passing
as a fitting end to what we’ve had?
should I accept that from this moment
there will always be a chasm between us
one that I can never cross
to see you
and to be with you again
not even for a single happy while
have you really gone away
have you really left me
all alone
can’t you hear me now as I speak
can’t you see me now as I search the skies
for traces of your smile
O how I wish you could see me now
And how I desire that all this time
that I’ve been praying,
you’re really sitting there, listening
gazing at me
loving me
as you’ve always done before
How I pray
you have not really gone,
that you haven’t left my side at all,
not even for a short lonely while
That all the while I have been weeping
you’re holding out your hand
catching my every tear
that all the while I have been praying
you’re praying with me, too
and with all the angels
in whose company
you now walk amongst
Who knows indeed?
who knows?
maybe you haven’t really left
maybe the love we’ve had
has woven a golden thread
between you and me
a thread that shall remain
as surely as love remains
a thread that shall draw us together
and we’ll never ever need
to say goodbye


I Love My Son QuotesI love my son, he is the best thing that ever happened to me. I see in his eyes my own soul, I touch his hand and I feel my heart skip with great joy for the wonderful blessing that is given me!

I love my son in a way that I could never love another, not even my own life.

Words could never quite capture how I love my son.

I’m not capable of doing many things well, but may I be capable of loving my son greatly for he is the one thing that matters most to me.

My son is my great joy, he is my peace when I feel anxious, my purity when I feel confused, my angel when I feel my great need for salvation.

I love the son who saved my soul from anger, who filled my heart with forgiveness and who blessed my mind with hope.

We are all God’s beloved children, sons and daughters whom God loves so much. We are not orphans without their father or mother.  We have in God more than a parent who provides for our material needs, but a Father who provides for our good for all eternity.


I Love My Son Quotes and Poems

I love my son quotes and poems 2012



I love you, my child
There is nothing that you can do
that can separate me away from you


You are here always,
within my strong and loving embrace
You are protected
You are loved.

I delight in you,
and see my own eyes upon your eyes
I take away your fears
I take away your tears
from now on you are safe
and you are where you’ve always longed to be.

Let the people who judged you
see how I cherish you now,
Let those who condemn you
see how close you are to me.

You are never outside of my love,
never an outcast
never a failure
never so far away

You need not do anything
to please me,
for I am already pleased
that you trust me
to guide you in everything
you wanted to do

You are beautiful
you are whole
you are healed
you are my beloved
you can rest upon my strong shoulders,
and trust that you won’t ever slip away,
For it is I
who is holding on firmly to you.


“Happy is the son whose faith in his mother remains unchallenged.”

There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it.

A parent’s love is whole no matter how many times divided.

“You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes.” – 

How pleasant it is for a father to sit at his child’s board. It is like an aged man reclining under the shadow of an oak which he has planted. –

There are two lasting bequests we can give our children. One is roots. The other is wings. .

“My son, when you were born, you brought me happiness,
as you grew, you made me laugh and brought me joy,
now you are a man, and you make me proud!”

Making the decision to have a child is momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body. –

If I Had My Child to Raise Over Again

If I had my child to raise all over again,
I’d build self esteem first, and the house later.
I’d fingerpaint more, and point the finger less.
I would do less correcting and more connecting.
I’d take my eyes off my watch, and watch with my eyes.
I would care to know less and know to care more.
I’d take more hikes and fly more kites.
I’d stop playing serious, and seriously play.
I would run through more fields and gaze at more stars.
I’d do more hugging and less tugging.
I’d see the oak tree in the acorn more often.
I would be firm less often, and affirm much more.
I’d model less about the love of power,
And more about the power of love.

To Look Using God’s Own Eyes

to look using God's own eyes 2012

I pray I could learn
to look at people,
the way God sees each one of us –

to be able to forego the little mistakes,
maybe even the big ones

to be able to see weaknesses
turned into strength

to know something’s hurting
and yet know that the hurt
would be healed in time

to look beyond judgment

to see with an understanding heart

to see what’s beautiful

to appreciate what’s good

to not measure anybody’s destiny
with their present plight

but to see real hope for everyone
the way God sees us

To know that orphans
have their Father

To know that those imprisoned
have One who will set them free

To see how the poor
will one day bask in God’s abundance

To see the brokenhearted
in days when God Himself
will cradle them upon His lap

To be able to see with God’s own eyes
is to see with gladness,
with hope,
and with a love so strong
it could never ever fail!

May There Be Bridges Between Us

may there be bridges between us 2012

May there be bridges between us
Bridges of understanding between you and me,
Bridges of hope,
Bridges of honesty,
Bridges that link us,
heart to heart,
and mind to mind.

May there be bridges between us,
Bridges that break down walls
and the coldness of words misunderstood,
May those bridges stand strong
May they reach out far and wide,
And may no one burn them
that they might fall.

May there be bridges between us
May it unite us evermore,
Bridges that bring us closer
heart to heart
and mind to mind,
Bridges between friends,
Bridges between brothers,
that we may know we’re not alone,
and that we could always – always find our way back home!

This Is My Moment!

this is my moment poem 2012This is my moment!
This is my now.
I live in it,
I breathe in it,
I move,
I sing,
I dance.

This is life,
this is forever –
the rain now pouring over me
will never be the same again,
so I cry
I hope
I laugh like a little child.

I look at the sunrise as though it is my first,
as though it will be my last,
I pray
I smile
I love!

I taste the fresh air
as though I’m born again,
I smell the rose
as though an angel gave it to me.
I am here,
I am loved,
I am seen.

This is my moment,
this is the very moment

Can You Imagine This?

can you imagine this 2012

Imagine all your needs being taken care of

Imagine all your prayers being answered

even before you’ve uttered them.

Imagine there’s someone who knows you,

knows you through and through,

and loves you just the same.

Imagine being led

from one joyous moment to the next.

Imagine being surprised,

finding gifts of love here and there

with no expectations of anything in return

except that you receive them,

with a joyful heart.

Now open your eyes and see –

You need not imagine anymore,

for God has been with you all along!